I think I might be leaving

Discussion in 'Good Byes' started by Cashkid32, Jul 2, 2012.

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  1. Cashkid32

    Cashkid32 Member VIP

    I'm a bit suprised I'm posting this but it seems that Shadecrest has lost it's touch of fun on me. It's still by far one of the best servers I've ever played on. But for some reason it just hasn't been enjoyable for me. I've had a great time guys. Griffsbrown, Junglecommando, and Magetime, you guys have made my time on this server the most enjoyable, thank you. I might hop on every once and a while. Hopefully I will return and this thread will make no sense at all. I'm pretty sure there won't be any other servers that can get me to have as much fun as I have had. I'll probably be playing survival and on my private server mostly. :) Thanks for being such a great server and allowing me hours of fun. Good bye!
  2. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    bye, but hope to see you come back!
  3. Flagellum

    Flagellum Member VIP

    Good bye and good luck!
  4. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

  5. Griffsbrown

    Griffsbrown New Member VIP

    You must have been up all night thinking about how you where going to say goodbye to him. Am I right?
  6. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    lol wut
  7. strangecow1

    strangecow1 Member VIP

  8. Magetime

    Magetime Active Member VIP

    My name was in there! :p Cya Cash I'll catch you on TS3
  9. atvrida0

    atvrida0 Member VIP

    I couldn't have said it better myself.
  10. Lakarder26

    Lakarder26 Member VIP

    I'm not letting you leave. :(
  11. Griffsbrown

    Griffsbrown New Member VIP

    I will be back on monday and you better have dicided to come back by then :mad:

    Lol but all joking aside you really need to come back.
  12. Lakarder26

    Lakarder26 Member VIP

    Yes come back not for just us but for you.... You will find some joy and something to do!
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