IGN: crazyboy162 Coordinates: (x) -1404.459 (y) 77 (z) -2809.7261 World: Peaceful What got greifed? On the 3rd floor of the hotel, craftmenblake's room and the entire left wall has be torn down. Also, the hidden redstone wall has been destroyed and now the cart launching system doesn't work. Blocks broken/replaced: about 30 blocks have been broken. None of them have been replaced. Greifer: oscar337 Communicate with player: He has not been online since he griefed, but it is obvious it wasn't an accident! Should they be banned?: subwayis666 has temporarily banned him. Screenshots: subwayis will be supplying screenshots. Rollback?: Yes, i do need a rollback.
http://imgur.com/HWuR7,FKN6K,f1la0,jk6DK# mod req number= 96 he was perm ban'd. atleast 40 blocks broken clearly trying to ruin craftmenblakes room.