What is your IGN? sharqman Coordinates of the location (use /getpos to display the coordinates X,Y,Z) /warp monstamash Is this on PvP or Peaceful side of the map? Peaceful What exactly got griefed? Please be specific. random holes in the pyramid, redston circuits, traps for mobs and players, holes in the ground and walls About how many blocks were broken/replaced? more than 20 Who did the griefing? mw3_rullerofall ACDCSNIPER chrisssteeezy alfawolfsnake (also griefed a little in Pine Square) sean35 bobykinz2 Fangz_ evaneight Did you talk to the player who did the griefing? I don't think any of them were online besides chrisssteeezy What did they say? I asked him to fix his griefs, he did. Do you think they should be banned for this? yes, except chrisss since he fixed his griefings, unless there is more that was not fixed. Did you include screen shots? (You must) http://imgur.com/a/tmRgi#0 Do you need an admin to come and rollback the damage? yes please Side note: there are a bunch of random holes that I don't think should be there. There is one hole bigger than the others on the southeast side of the pyramid.
All of them banned, they can appeal on the forums. Also, listing how many griefs each one did below, for my own record- alfawolf-19 ACDCSNIPER- 20 fangz_-100+ sean35- 30 bobbykinz2- 11 evaneight- 73 mw3 - 5 Anyone with 20+ edits gets a permaban, with appeal option, anyone with less than that gets a ban of however much they've griefed in days.