what are we gonna do about 1.8?

Discussion in 'Minecraft Discussions' started by subwayis666, Aug 29, 2011.

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  1. subwayis666

    subwayis666 Member

    so what will happen when 1.8 comes out? seeing theres so much comming out like the npc villages,biomes/ having to breed animals, ect. id think we could make a 1.8 world peaceful and just walk around in. check all the new stuff out for awhile. also creative mode. will u turn the fly mode from creative mode on?
  2. JoeyLeary

    JoeyLeary New Member

    The new world sounds good, maybe we could increase the map size and some of the map would be 1.8? Or like you said have a new world, which would probably be smaller so it doesn't cause much lag, although then we'd have half the server on the 1.8 and half on the older one, then that would probs lead to a favourite world leaving the other one to have like 5 players who still use it. I'm not really sure what'll happen, all I know is that we have to be in 1.7.3 to play on the server until bukkit updates (and maybe some of the plugins).
  3. jedispy

    jedispy New Member

    i reckon that we convert to 1.8 when it comes back and if players dont like it tell them to contact the minecraft team and not complain on shadecrest forum boards
  4. Mirrur

    Mirrur Member

    If we convert to 1.8, few plugins will work and it will be griefmas
    I would think that many people would quit ShadeCrest and join another 1.7.3. server for the meantime because it is not really fun to play on a vanilla 1.8 server ; a lot of rules would be broken and nothing could be done about it
  5. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    We wouldn't update until bukkit updates. You won't have to worry about us going vanilla.
  6. jedispy

    jedispy New Member

    :) so in the time that bukkit changes hoprfully it will have been checked for bugs
  7. Zero_X4

    Zero_X4 Member

    Unless the admin would port every building over to the 1.8 world, would anybody seriously consider resetting our map?
    I mean really?
  8. Mirrur

    Mirrur Member

    This is bad news.
  9. Zero_X4

    Zero_X4 Member

    ... Not bad news, its just like when he added birch trees....
  10. User_1241

    User_1241 New Member VIP

    Would it be possible to have the next mining world adapted to 1.8 and keep the main world the same?
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