
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by trentr6436, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. trentr6436

    trentr6436 Member VIP

    How is everyone?

    Hey so I'm new.

    How do I play this game. 8)
  2. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    Woah, who are you and Why aren't you an admin yet?

    You probably don't remember me, I joined right around when you left. How ya been?
  3. trentr6436

    trentr6436 Member VIP

    hey nray, i remember you. see ya in-game ;P
  4. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    All done with this? Or still too busy?
  5. trentr6436

    trentr6436 Member VIP

    lol alot of that is still relevant...but under control

    btw... who is nifix?
  6. subwayis666

    subwayis666 Member

    only a rebel
  7. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Welcome to Shade Crest :p

    It is awesome to have you back man :D
  8. fixterjake11

    fixterjake11 Member VIP

    Trent!!! Welcome back.
  9. Archenemy666

    Archenemy666 Active Member VIP

    Hey there trent
  10. ZPWR22

    ZPWR22 Active Member VIP

    Trent :D
  11. NMBr2d2

    NMBr2d2 Well-Known Member VIP

    Go and punch somebody in PvP, I want to see what happens >:D
    And holy crap! I made my computer say the list of things you had to do, it was hysterical xD
    Max's name sounds like "I make Sores" on a mac as well :p
  12. DarkNoodle

    DarkNoodle Member VIP

    It's been some time since I talked to you Trent...
  13. trentr6436

    trentr6436 Member VIP

    hey noodle, didnt you get banned? =D
  14. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    Bahaha no he's been a real peach, so he gets to stay
  15. trentr6436

    trentr6436 Member VIP

    lol peach...