I have recently discovered that ChestShop for towns is a feature in ChestShop. Would any other town's want this feature enabled? You might not understand what option 3 and 4 mean, here is a quote from the plugin's bukkit forum post. That might be too much of a hassle for the admins or impossible. So if you only want the town chest shops with restricted groups pic option 4 or if you want town chest shops either way pick option 3. Please leave feedback.
I realise this is a pretty old thread but I was just wondering if it was still relevant to towny and what it means? Does this mean you can set up chest shop payments to go to the town instead of the player?
Oh right. I just re-read it and it seems that is the purpose of the town shop. Not really what I was looking for.
Im not sure if it can work looking back. I dont think the town rank permission config takes non-towny nodes (didn't work with WorldGuard) and towny would need a placeholder for town names in their permissions config.