Well, why not? I say the admins make another world, (put a limit on it, doesn't have to be a HUGE world to prevent lag) and choose a few people to work on a challenge map. You know, the ones people download and play all the time? But hey, why not make one on here? Think about the publicity we'd get as well if we said the map was made here. When it's done, the world save could be put up on minecraftforum.net for download, as well as other places. I think this would be a great idea, as I have tons of challenge ideas. What do you guys think? Thanks
I'm not sure if this is advertising though but here you go http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/78480-adv-escapecraft-2-an-adventure-game-for-minecraft/ I also found this thread. this thread lists all of the adventure maps http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/86302-list-of-adventure-maps-updated-15062011-32-new-maps/ Seeing as there are so many challenge maps I don't think that ours will be the very best, but we should give it a try.
I think we should make it in Creative first, then if the Admins like it, they could set up a warp to it, or move it to another world? If you do make a challenge map i'd like to help out, I've got a couple of ideas.
hey yeah , sign me up to help . i'll try and get the backing of some webstars on youtube to get them to say that they would play it and post a video sounds good
Again this would be sweet. Also I was thinking about a mob world where it's always night and you just go and fight off as many as you can. Kind of like MA but you can keep their drops and it would be a whole world not an arena
When the server is back up, there will be a zombie survival world. I'm trying to get blat to add another world so we can do this. I really like this idea.
as far as the mob world, it would make way too much lag. As far as the challenge world, idk. It's up to the admins, I suppose.
I'm just saying what blat told meh. He said when the new server is up again, it'd be fine. Idk about the challenge map though. I think it'd be cool.