On minestatus, you can get double money for voting this month

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Griffsbrown, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Griffsbrown

    Griffsbrown New Member VIP

    First of all since it is the first of june, go vote because votes got reset.
    But before you go vote sign up here:
    You can put in a fake email if you want. It makes no difference. Just make sure you put in the correct ingame name you vote with. After you do this, The server will get 2 votes from you instead of 1. You will also notice you got double the money. (200 instead of 100)
    The server gets 2 votes, you get 2x the money. Everyone wins!
    For more information you can go here:
  2. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    I actually read some of the articles, they're well worth it. One very interesting one is the 'from the eyes of a moderator'. I'd suggest everyone check that out, and see the server from the other point of view.
  3. dragonewt

    dragonewt Member

    I'm hoping to get into a routine of voting everyday now :D
  4. dragonewt

    dragonewt Member

    Oh and max, you should make one of those broadcast things saying you get DOUBLE rupies
    in June on minestatus for voting
  5. atvrida0

    atvrida0 Member VIP

    i thought that was a pretty good article
  6. Cashkid32

    Cashkid32 Member VIP

    Yeah, I'm looking forward to the next one. I might order one of the paper thingies too.