Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by ThisHomeBoy24, May 29, 2012.

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  1. ThisHomeBoy24

    ThisHomeBoy24 Member VIP

    Ok I could make up some reason on how I should have never been banned but I'm not, I saw Nrayf and his little gang and like any normal person I didn't want to lose a whole inventory full of stuff so I did the only thing a person with no armor and no weapons could think of, I went to my house and when he caught me I made an excuse to try and get away with it. I am not denying any of it, all I want to know is how that is worth a permanent ban for someone who has never been banned or even broken a rule prior to this.
  2. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    It's not a permanent ban, I was just very busy at the time I banned you. Remember, I said "if you lie to me, and I have to go look it up, your ban will be three times as long." well, you lied to me, and I had to go look it up, so I guess the unban date will be on the Fourth. Sound fair?
  3. ThisHomeBoy24

    ThisHomeBoy24 Member VIP

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