Because I can't get on all day like you guys can, I'll just post the stuff I have for sale here instead of spamming trade like the rest of you do. For Sale at the moment: Sharpness IV Knockback II Sword Unbreaking III Efficiency III Pick Looting III Sharpness III Sword Full set of diamond armor Protection IV with Respiration III on the helmet. and pretty much every generic item in the game such as diamonds and iron. PM me with offers on anything you want. [glow=red,2,300]I'll add new stuff whenever I get some.[/glow]
Now selling Full Protection IV Diamond armor with respiration III on the helmet, and a Sharpness IV Looting III Knockback II Sword!
About how much for diamond set? Dure sells but his prices are extremly high. I could also trade a Efficieny V Unbreaking III Fortune III pick for the set???