Last week while I lived at silverside King Vid, /t spawned to there then started looting my chest that hadn't got a lock. Couple of days ago i got told that the admins that told me it was ok were wrong and now I see that King is now a mod! im confused does this mean that you can teleport to towns to loot or is that how you become a mod!?
thank you i was shocked that he has mod status and thats tbh why im reporting this becuase the admin and mods who were on just laughed at me for going nuts when he folowed me from silverside spawn
I looked over the logs, he had walked there from pretty much the spawn, there's nothing wrong with that.
but he just apeared like 2 minutes after i t spawned there and he had to open the gates what i closed so if he walked there why would he have come from where you t spawn and have to open a gate that was closed for about a minute and a half. and he was logged in for awhile so this now really confuses me but ok