This does not give a very clear indication of what you are saying -.- You should probably say exactly what you were banned for and then reason and why you should be unbanned, instead of just making a random poll not explaining anything.
He means it said on the ban list that he was banned for griefing PvP shops, but he doesn't know what that means exactly, so he's asking us.
^he got it^ i dont know exactly what it means, so i listed the possibilities. then, you can vote on it so we can find out [move];0) [/move] -------------please notify me if u have an other to add------------------ -mightymcc
-.- Let me spell it out, in case you didn't understand the PM. You put signs at other peoples shops saying "buy our bullshit so we can get money". You then went around breaking crap near the pvp spawn.
i almost never go to pvp, and i wouldnt just break stuff randomly. i dont cuss much either. my sister does both of the last two things all thetime, and she had stolen my laptop so i assume it was her. PS how do i like people? i cant figure it out and no one will tell me
It's that rep up/down button by their name. And feel free to look at past ban appeals, and see how successful the "it wasn't me, it was someone on my computer" excuse generally is.
Do you mean up their reputation? If so, you can't until you have a certain number of posts. I think 100. If that's not what you meant, I can't help ya there . . .