DrewAStick's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by DrewAStick, Mar 26, 2012.

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  1. DrewAStick

    DrewAStick New Member

    Dear Admins of Shadecrest,

    I'm Drew and I have banned from Shadecrest for probably a year now. Shadecrest was one of my favorite servers I had ever played on and still is to this day. I played on the server with a group of my good friends and we had a blast! Unfortunately, one day we decided to raid one of the richest players on the server and chaos begun for about 30 minutes. We set our homes there and were warned but when warned, my friends overreacted and cursed out 04blatca and were banned. Only two of us were left. Myself, and Cvoege. We both decided we can't play on the server alone and cursed in the server chat on purpose.

    I have never tried to appeal this ban before. I was banned for a good reason and I believed I should stay off the server for awhile. Now I am ready to come back on. Once again,
    I am looking for an amazing survival server. I know I am much more mature and would never curse out a full server of players. I think I have done my time and should be reinstated into the server, along with my friends. We would love to be a part of the wonderful community of ShadeCrest once again.

    Please consider this and let me know in a reply. I am sure you will make a well thought out decision and I will receive fair treatment.

    Thanks much,

  2. 04blatca

    04blatca Member Lead Admin VIP

    Unbanned :) Have fun and try not to break the rules again.
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