HV Solar Array Factory Plans

Discussion in 'Server Media' started by Cherle, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Cherle

    Cherle New Member VIP

    Plans I drew up for an auto HV Solar Array Factory.

    - *Comment on my handwriting and die
    - *Drew it in 5min
    - *Rape.

  2. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    Your handwriting is highly illegible.
  3. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Can't read a word you said.

    Come at me Shirley.
  4. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    Cherle, shut up.
  5. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Oh GOD HELP!!!
  6. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    The drawing there makes me certain I will never attempt Tekkit.
  7. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    I can read it, just don't know what your talking about :p
    Did you know they invented a electronic device that can make digital copies? I think it is called a scanner.
  8. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    was that chinese? arabic? not even google knows :p
  9. Cherle

    Cherle New Member VIP

    I get it!!! My handwriting sucks!!! :'( Just hatin' on my epic planz to destroyz teh worldz
  10. Alan321

    Alan321 Member VIP

    My Handwriting is worse. Don't feel bad haha.
  11. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    My wrting is the basis of Times New Roman, then I got older and created Calibri XD
  12. Cherle

    Cherle New Member VIP

  13. subwayis666

    subwayis666 Member

    ^ lmfao cherle
  14. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    haha, cherle
  15. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    o sweet meme's lol
  16. NMBr2d2

    NMBr2d2 Well-Known Member VIP

    My handwriting is horrid, I have gotten points off in school for it. ::)