What is your IGN? blumi78 Coordinates of the location (use /getpos to display the coordinates X,Y,Z) 485,71,-3553 (/warp tradingpost , then walk all the way up) Is this on PvP or Peaceful side of the map? Peaceful What exactly got griefed? Please be specific. Purposely removed leaf blocks (to get access) and dirt blocks with redstone wire on top to destroy a redstone/falsebook mechanism that gives you a free item (one at a time) after shopping at Tradingpost. Since the (locked) dispenser is empty now, he technically stole the items from it, too. About how many blocks were broken/replaced? At least 3, but the destroyed value is the redstone mechanism. Who did the griefing? dureja_av Did you talk to the player who did the griefing? no What did they say? n/a Do you think they should be banned for this? yes Did you include screen shots? (You must) yes, see below Do you need an admin to come and rollback the damage? yes, please, it took a lot of work Some of the destroyed dirt blocks with redstone on them: Here used to be a [bridge] made of wood logs, hiding the dispenser. That falsebook bridge disappeared for a second when pushing the button.
The logs show Dureja_av breaking only a single dirt block, could you get more evidence? Have you repaired it yet yourself? I can look at it whenever I can get on.
How can I aquire evidence about broken redstone wire on top of a broken dirt block? As I said, I don't care about the broken blocks itself, but for the now broken mechanics. As it would take hours to rebuild the whole center column of Tradingpost, I'm hoping for a rollback and I haven't touched it yet. Here are more broken/changed blocks by dureja_av:
So you're saying it cannot be rolled back to its former state completely?! Please do it anyway then, rebuild what's possible. Will he be banned at least?
He is banned for 2 weeks, he did a ton of activity near there. I've rolled back what I can, now the rest is up to you.
sorry blumi, the griefing wasn't intentional btw, but i accidentally broke the redstone circuit and couldnt fix it :/ i was messing around in the middle column though (the shop looks sick and i was wondering how the redstone worked -.-), and i did forget to replace the blocks, so i'll take the ban, as i should have told you as well. didn't mean to be such a huge inconvenience take care