Until Later...

Discussion in 'Good Byes' started by bkoch5, Mar 6, 2012.

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  1. bkoch5

    bkoch5 Active Member VIP

    I haven't made one of these so I thought this would be the time to make one, Im usually very active until recently. This is because of school and sports have given me little time to spare in the day.

    A little about me my real name is Ben Koch (Bkoch5) and "Koch" is pronounced cook not the dirty way... :D Also Im originally from south eastern Cleveland (Max you arnt to far!!!). Lastly I'm a Freshman in high school and 15years old.

    Why the title is "Untill Later" well Johnny that's a good question it's because I'm not going to be on Shade Crest much ,but I will try to get on once in awhile. Lastly, about Pine Square Im thinking about giving it away so it more people can make it a town of their own.

    About my chests. There mine!! Im not leaving just not going to be active. I might be on for Spring Break and during the summer.

    Thank you everyone for making Shade Crest an amazing server and for the wonderful memories and adventures. Hopefully someday Shade Crest will become number 1 and show all the other Minecraftians what a real server is like.

    Thanks again..
    Until Later
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Koch :'(
    why are we taking a break at the same time lol
  3. bkoch5

    bkoch5 Active Member VIP

    Lol idk felt like I needed one, well atleast from shadecrest I dont want to wear it out :D
  4. kirederf60

    kirederf60 Active Member

    That's what they all say, now look at what happened to little timmy.
  5. k9katz

    k9katz Member

    Bkoch5 :)

    If anyone hasn't seen OldPineSquare or Pine_Square your missing out on what Bkoch5 can do. Yes, he's had some help, but for the most part they're his concept and craftiness. People have said over and over when they've seen the towns, "how beautiful" "amazing", etc.

    I give him my vote for "One of the best", but this time without the sarcasms that followed other posts of late about who'd be 'One of the best'.

    Take care Bk :).
    and hope to see you again before too long
  6. Archenemy666

    Archenemy666 Active Member VIP

    Lol max thats mean >:)
  7. bkoch5

    bkoch5 Active Member VIP

    A simple goodbye or until then would of been nice...
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