
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by uberdarkninja, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. uberdarkninja

    uberdarkninja Member VIP

    As you know I'm very active on ShadeCrest. But, recently I have gotten bored. Don't get me wrong, ShadeCrest is an amazing server. I love it but I do have to focus on other things.
    I will try to visit once and a while and you might catch me on the creative server as well. Ill definately be on the forums though. And its a possibility to catch me on TeamSpeak.
    Just like Z Millla said "ShadeCrest is MineCraft and MineCraft is ShadeCrest". I hope ShadeCrest grows to be one of the top servers on MineCraft.

    + If your accepted you can catch me on Tekkit for sure!

    See you around,
  2. subwayis666

    subwayis666 Member

    u could.. always build something.
  3. uberdarkninja

    uberdarkninja Member VIP

    I could... but my grades are slowly getting worse so I decided I need to focus more on school. Although my grades aren't that bad at all I just think if I don't focus now they will just get worse.
  4. subwayis666

    subwayis666 Member

    ninja's going to grow up to be a great student. at such a low age shes still worried about her grades :)
  5. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    See ya, ninja. If you think minecraft is getting in the way of school, it's probably good to get away from it for a while :p
  6. uberdarkninja

    uberdarkninja Member VIP

    Lol ive been a straight A student for 5 years and I have been getting 80s lately! D: the horror! Sooo I'm going to
    pay attention more rather then day dreaming about how to improve Hidden Pass XD
  7. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    How I spent my 30 mins walk home except with Pine XD

    Good luck!
  8. uberdarkninja

    uberdarkninja Member VIP

    Thanks and I can see how good it helps seeing how amazing pine is :D