Just take a moment to listen to this....

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by ZPWR22, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. ZPWR22

    ZPWR22 Active Member VIP

    Ok, i'm not sure if this is at all possible. But I think i've had a stroke of genius.

    A large part of the what I would call "slow times" with the server, has been the lack of enthusiasm from the community. Everyone feels distant from each other. I remember when I joined it was incredible how many people I knew in the first few days. This is the same amazing feeling im getting from the creative server. Everyone is new, curious, eager to hop into chat and ask questions. It's great. I haven't seen the chat bar empty yet for more than a few seconds at a time. So with that I have a proposal. I think it would be for the greater expansion of the community if we did two things. The first of things is.

    1.) When you apply to Creative you automatically apply to Survival.

    2.) This is what i'm not sure about, is it possible to combine the two chats, from creative and from survival. New members could experience the fellowship of old time players from the survival server. And Survival players get the enjoyment of seeing new players grow and prosper.

    So that is all I have to suggest. I hope that at least this can be attempted.

    -Dr. ZPWR22
  2. kirederf60

    kirederf60 Active Member

    This I believe is impossible as the creative server and the survival server are completely separate and therefore cannot chat with each other.
  3. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    there is a mod that allows cross server chat, but its a whole different chat plugin