Ban Appeals for _Ryo_ and Greene78

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by FPSDigitalGuy, Feb 10, 2012.

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  1. FPSDigitalGuy

    FPSDigitalGuy Member

    I will try, I might fail, but I might:

    Ryo and Greene should have another chance. Why you might ask? Because of these top 3 reasons:

    1. Greene didn't mean to do that, and Ryo just needed supplies for his town.
    2. Ryo wanted to improve the town to be even better, but lost control and griefed for him self. I promise that Ryo won't do that again, and Greene was joking around.
    3. In Dragon Forge, we need them. As Greene, the master builder, we need him for a needs (like markets, etc) and Ryos leader ship.

    If you think that this is enough, give them another chance and put them in the Temp. Ban position.
    Thanks you Max, -FPSDigitalGuy
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