what is your ign? Thodazarexrt coordinates of the location (use /getpos to display the coordinates x y and z (-35.3125,44.0000,-87.5313)(-35.2963,34.0000,-87.5313)(-34.7547,19.0000,-95.5746)(-65.1563,64.0000,-105.3750) is this on pvp or peaceful map? peaceful what exactly got griefed? please be specific. 5 iron blocks and most of them were replaced with cobblestone and parts of a lava furnace mostly the iron blocks about how many blocks were broken/replaced? 10 who did the griefing? sakari310 did you talk to the player who did the griefing? no what did they say? n/a do you think they should be banned for this? if it is necessary to do so did you include screenshots? (you must) http://imgur.com/a/nE4Eb do you need an admin to come in and rollback the damages? yes plz