To the extent of my knowledge, the following commands are [list type=decimal] [li]blocked, [/li] [li]would be useful[/li] [li]not exploitable.[/li] [/list] Care to enable permissions for them? /whois [playername] - Displays mcmmo stats of that player. /money top - Obviously, displays wkd and the next 9 richest players. /towny top - Displays the richest/most populated/etc towns And most importantly, Mcmmo parties! With these, you can [li]Create parties (for those who wanted guilds/clans)[/li] [li]Invite/Join other's parties[/li] [li]Party chat[/li] [li]TP to people in your party (of course will be disabled).[/li] I'm really in favor of the party addition, as it's not a separate plugin, just part of one of ours, and it'll add a whole new dimension to gameplay. I want to go on a raid with awastedlife, ryo, and a town member? I just add them all, and we can use the party chat instead of individual tells. You have a group of friends on the server, but they're spread between both maps and different towns? Party chat can connect you. There's no downside, as the ptp command can just be disabled, and it offers no advantages other than socializing easier. In summary, add /whois, /money top, /towny top, and enable parties, and I'll be a happy nrayf
Max, for the towny conflict, I think that it can be used in tandem perfectly. I've been testing it out on my bukkit server that closely emulates shade's plugin list, and here are my results. You can have parties, make them private or public, have passwords to get in, etc. There's one party owner, who can kick/invite players if it's a private party. This is great because I have a lot of friends in different towns, whom I can't chat with at the same time otherwise. Like towny's /tc, it double posts if you set your mode to /p, so all you have to do is /p <message> to send a message. Personally, I see no downside, as it doesn't cause additional strain (being part of the same plugin) and it would add a new sense of community between players without cities/in different ones. I've tested it out, and it seems pretty easy to use, as long as you disable ptp and tpa requests. As for the 2 top lists, I'll just continue guessing who the next 9 richest players are... For /whois, here's a quick fix I found on the bukkit website that lets you do /whois without conflicting with the IP search
Awesome! [hr] mcmmo.commands.mmowhois (for this you have to change the config to look like and the 3 instances of whois in the plugin.yml file in the mcmmo jar file) ^^I configured the /mmowhois to work in 3 minutes, it's easier done than said. Thanks for enabling these, max!
yeah, this could show you who to put an arrow in first, like if i have .25 health you are going for me first. This seems like an unfair advantage, ESPECIALLY to raiders vs. unarmed people...
that's true. I'm not really interested in seeing health, just checking up on my competition in mcmmo But that's an easy thing to abuse, so let's take it out. Too much editing of the yml's anyways.