
Discussion in 'Demolition Request' started by UberDarkAardvark, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. UberDarkAardvark

    UberDarkAardvark Member VIP

    Which map? (peaceful or pvp) Peaceful

    What are the coordinates? (use /getpos) (X: -1251 Y: 92 Z: 174)

    Does HawkEye show any data? Nope

    Do you see any locked chests or furnaces? Yea a few inside.

    If so, who do they belong to? BlueNigma

    What does /seen [playername] show? Last online Oct 2

    Any other information that you can provide? I do not want this removed. I would like permission to rennovate it. if possible. (This is also in town.)

    Please include a picture if you can!
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    they should probably add to do /cinfo and hit the locked chest or furnace.
  3. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    Include that this is in your town, too.
  4. UberDarkAardvark

    UberDarkAardvark Member VIP

    Oh yeah XD. Fixed
  5. uberdarkninja

    uberdarkninja Member VIP

    That would be a great building in Hidden Pass.C: