That's a nice amount of gold you have there But, I bet you can post a picture with your whole inventory full of gold?
It's weird that we joined at the same time, and even before you were promoted i felt you were my superior, now it is even worse, you can peacefully protest, and i cant kill you D:
Well I officially feel poor... I go through about 9 diamonds a day, and still the most diamonds i have ever had is like a stack
Um... jung? If all that gold were sold to the cash for gold shop for 25r each, that would be 23 stacks x 64 per stack x 9 gold each x 25r per gold = 331200r And if you were to sell those diamonds for 75r each, that would be 9 Stacks x 64 blocks per stack x 9 diamonds per block x 75 per diamond = 388800r For a total of exactly 72000r. That was purely coincidental lol. Anyways, WOW. plus half a stack of iron also. ( 22 from the lava furnace and others from anvils, fridges. ect.