Ban for Seamonthrow17

Discussion in 'Finger Pointing' started by ZPWR22, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. ZPWR22

    ZPWR22 Active Member VIP

    Disrespecting other players.
    They said... "Prod was a great player, I knew him IRL your just afraid of him because hes so much better than you."
    "You don't have any seaman." (Intresting statement from someone with the name Seaman Throw :p) He said some other well.... rude things but I think that this was enough to relog the chat between us.
    Yes. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. (a.k.a prod no offense to you buddy :D) but I just think if he could be set straight by a mod or someone of power that would do the trick.
    I couldnt take any since my mac can't upload them to minecraft right.
    Sadly there were no admins online at the time.
    No, he has only been playing a total of 1 week on the server.
    I hope that this gets resolved. I really don't like being told and called some of the things he said.
    Sincerely yours,
  2. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    i have to agree, when we brought up prod he got all vulgar and defensive; to the point that i just said "your critiszms have no affect on us, so please stop" or something like that.
  3. Greene78

    Greene78 New Member VIP

    Grow up.
  4. JoeyLeary

    JoeyLeary New Member