Baron_Trousers Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by Baron_Trousers, Jan 2, 2012.

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  1. Baron_Trousers

    Baron_Trousers New Member

    I'm here to request a ban appeal. I have been part of the Shadecrest server since late June but about three months ago my computer broke. I wasn't able to get on my computer until this week. When I attempted to get on it said that I had been banned. I was extremely confused because in the time that I've been a citizen of the server I've never once had anyone complain about me. And as far as I know I've never once given anyone any reason to anger them. I've been a kind, helpful citizen as anyone in the PvP town of Flexcity will tell you. I only wish to continue to be a part of the Shadecrest community.
  2. Baron_Trousers

    Baron_Trousers New Member

    I just saw the list but I honestly don't remember griefing anyone. Is there any way I can be allowed back on the server?
  3. Baron_Trousers

    Baron_Trousers New Member

    Because in the time that I've been on the server I've never had any instances of rule violation. If I did grief anyone I'm truly sorry. I only wish to go back to playing with my friends in Flexcity. It's difficult getting started up on another server again. Whatever your decision is I'll respect it but I hope you'll allow me back on.
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