
Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by subwayis666, Jan 2, 2012.

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  1. subwayis666

    subwayis666 Member

    hey all, someone earlier today was talking about a plugin called bookworm. its a plugin that lets u read and write in books! seems pretty cool but 2 things are. 1. maybe not worth it and 2. with this plugin, u CANNOT stack books. its just so he could make it work. here is the plug in.

    seems okay. but you pick =].

    as i'm writing this i'm looking in the comments on the last page it says u can make the books stackable for 1.0 so idk.
  2. ace5511

    ace5511 Member VIP Creative Architect

    seems cool but I doubt many people would use it after a while.

    and wouldn't it use up a lot of memory though?
  3. gyromatic4

    gyromatic4 New Member


    You shame me with your words, imaxorz.

    I would most definitely use that plugin! Heck, short stories/poetry/jokes might be something to advertise the server with!

    (And dirty books could simply be thrown into a fire. Or lava.)
  4. kirederf60

    kirederf60 Active Member

    On my other server we used to have that plugin.
    No one used it so it was scrapped.
  5. cncwarlord

    cncwarlord Member Creative Architect

    Think of all the terrible ASCII art that would be spawned
  6. Jeffie0

    Jeffie0 Member VIP

    What's wrong with dirty books?! D:
  7. jude97

    jude97 New Member

    omg you have to get this plug in in shadecrest i am a book fan and im sure there are tons of others in the server besides think how useful the plugin would be you could write stuff like manuals and other texts

    ex. book title "the rules of shade crest"

    anyway this is a plugin i could aggree with it would be fun to write a book!
  8. kirederf60

    kirederf60 Active Member

    That may be true, but having a book in game for rules and whatnot can be inconvenient as minecraft chat isn't the most reliable and efficient and with the amount of rules we have here on shadecrest, we'd need like 5 or 6 books.... also there will only be a few that would be interested in this and those who (or at least after a while).
    In a month, people will most likely have forgotten about this and will not use many books and it takes up some space and can be a strain on the server.
  9. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    if i can put bleach on it, im in. otherwise well end up with corrupt politician logs! :p
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