What is your IGN? beast1540 Coordinates of the location: -1037.6875, 78.0000, -115.3125 Is this on PvP or Peaceful side of the map? Peaceful What exactly got griefed? Please be specific. 110-125 stone while being made in the furnace About how many blocks were broken/replaced? broken: none replaced: none Who did the griefing? ZPWR22 Did you talk to the player who did the griefing? yes What did they say? no i wont give you it back! well if you dont give me all your money i wont give it back Do you think they should be banned for this? yes Did you include screen shots? (You must) yes Do you need an admin to come and rollback the damage? just give the stone back
This is NOT GRIEFING IF SOMEBODY TAKES FROM AN UNLOCKED CHEST OR FURNACE, so says The Rules. Go re-read them/read em for the first time cause your friend did your app. What he did was legal.