Hello My Fellow Shade Crestians!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Flagellum, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Flagellum

    Flagellum Member VIP

    Hello, I would just like to say hi to everyone on this fine server. I have just become whitelisted, and I am looking forward to playing with all of you. I enjoy gaming mainly, although I also dabble in acting. Some of my favorite games include Minecraft, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Counter Strike Source, just to name a few. I usually enjoy any game that falls into the RPG category. I prefer building to mining and PvP/PvE, but I think that its all enjoyable and interesting with a good community to back it up. I look forward to getting to know all of you, and being a part of this wonderful community that you all have established!
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Welcome :D be sure to read the rules and guides thoroughly, you don't want to be "that guy"
  3. Cherle

    Cherle New Member VIP

    Sharq would know. He's "that guy" on the forums. trololol
  4. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    you would be "that guy" to say im "that guy" cause i am "that guy"
  5. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    Welcome to the server, Flagellum.
  6. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    me being the nerd i am, just love that your flagellum!! the tail/appendage that allows bacteria and other microscopic types of organisms to swim or move!! welcome ;D ;D
  7. hywzerboydy

    hywzerboydy Active Member VIP

    lol, what

    Welcome flag
  8. Z_Millla

    Z_Millla Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Welcome to the server! ;D I hope you enjoy yourself.
  9. subwayis666

    subwayis666 Member

  10. JoeyLeary

    JoeyLeary New Member

  11. cncwarlord

    cncwarlord Member Creative Architect

    :D pudding