HELLO THERE This is a very very late introduction of myself, as some of you already know me, my ign is awastedlife (very long story on the ign, that i dont want to waste your time on). Anyways, I am currently 16 years old, a junior at Wilcox High School in California, and an AP Student(no asian stereotype intended). I enjoy going to the beach, cooking and track/field. Shadecrest is actually the 2nd server i have joined ever since i got minecraft several months ago. My 1st server was called "The muther f**king friendly server", which i thought at first was pretty okay, then the server was attacked by Team Avo. I then realized how pathetic that server was and i found shadecrest through my friend, who's ign is "lordcolm3". He doesnt play as much anymore, seeing that he has Skyrim. This server by far is the best! and i will continue to play on it for as long as i play minecraft. Yea, that was a long intro.
I still remember the day you joined, awasted ;D Right when you got on, you were extremely interested in joining a pvp town, so, I invited you to Arcadia. Despite you being extremely new and without any supplies at all, you were more interested in raiding than most of the town, lol. All you would talk about was our strategies and the best routes to dragonforge. One day, of course, you left and joined Flexcity, and all of the town shed tears upon your unfortunate loss Either way, welcome to Shadecrest.