This is my Christmas Present for Max

Discussion in 'Server Media' started by Cherle, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. Cherle

    Cherle New Member VIP

    Made a hopefully new spawn library for Max. Idc if he uses it or not (love it if he did) I'm glad I was able to make him something. Because we all are hoping for an epic present from him *cough* 5x drops *cough*. Also I was bored as hell and felt like building.

    Enjoy the pictures. It's kind of hard to take pictures of. It really requires a first person walk through. If you wanna see it in person sent me a pm and Ill let you on my own creative server to see it. (Not advertising the server)

    Before anybody asks. The random black obsidian things on the walls are glyphs or runes. Whichever you prefer.
  2. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    love it cherle.
    This is a library I'd go through, the other one is kind of bland. :D
  3. fixterjake11

    fixterjake11 Member VIP

    I really like this one compared to the one in spawn this one is much cooler and looks better in my opinion.
  4. Champcar2

    Champcar2 Member

    I like this a lot better than what we have.
  5. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    Like others have said, this is much better than what we have.

    You can pin that on the uniqueness of it. The current library is so simple and typical for a library. This one is so original and has sort of a secretive aspect to it. Either way, I like it :)
  6. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    I saw this in person and it was awesome, how about a desert area around it to give it an oasis look?
  7. UberDarkAardvark

    UberDarkAardvark Member VIP

    :'( that was originally supposed to go in Hidden Pass lol
  8. Cherle

    Cherle New Member VIP

    hey uber shhh. I made improvements and it's still going there...eventually.