What is your IGN? ace5511 Coordinates of the location (use /getpos to display the coordinates X,Y,Z) -1395, 59, -4616 And Water was replaced with cobble at -1395 59 -4633 Is this on PvP or Peaceful side of the map? peaceful What exactly got griefed? Please be specific. Took all the melons and didnt re-til the ground. then stole the melon stems About how many blocks were broken/replaced? 20 not including melons Who did the griefing? bsimmermon Did you talk to the player who did the griefing? Hasnt been online for a few weeks What did they say? N/a Do you think they should be banned for this? no Did you include screen shots? (You must) yes Do you need an admin to come and rollback the damage? yes please