Hello everyone I am going to be having a contest to see who can build the best mall for the town of flexcity. Anyone will be able to join this contest and build a design for the mall this mall will be made somewhere in flexcity The only details for how the mall is to be built is don't build it wider than 40x40 blocks and don't build the mall above 30 blocks high other than that you can build it however you like. all submissions are due from the 3-6th of January voting will start on the 7th and end on the 8th the winner of the contest will get a prize of 1000r and get their mall put into the town of flexcity. The date for entrys has changed from the 3-6 of january to the 28-29 and voting will begin on the 30th
Yeah, Flexcity can provide all the building materials, provided were not talking about a solid diamond structure.
I really like your submission ace. The roof is especially appealing ;D Can't wait to see your Cherle!
Btw is the 40x40 a strict restriction? or can it be 10 or so blocks wider if necessary? Square building are a bit ugly lol.
Ok i have finished and this is what i have pictures:http://fixterjake11.imgur.com/all/ World download:http://www.mediafire.com/?s4exijsa3ujbfoj
Alright here's my entree. Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/JIoK8#0 World Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6v92t21y2lvt7y3