white list

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by blazerbeam23, Dec 12, 2011.

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  1. blazerbeam23

    blazerbeam23 New Member

    Hello Server admins,

    My IGN is blazerbeam23 and I would like to know why I have been banned. I have cecked ban lists and I haven't seen my name. Yet when I try to log on it says "You are not white-listed on this server" or "outdated client". this is not a rage comment. I jus want to know why I have been, by my guess, banned. I am not entirely sure. However I have used /home several times in pvp. I was unsure of this rule until XXXProdXXX was banned for it so I stopped. please respond to this post. Thank you

  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    ur not banned, they whitlisted the server to update
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