The validity of the waterway

Discussion in 'Server Media' started by Cherle, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. Cherle

    Cherle New Member VIP

    So Uber and I were looking at the waterway system that is going to be installed between Pine Square and Hidden Pass, on my own server. We decided to see which is faster: Waterway or Rails. In the end (even though it looks like he won) they have equal speeds. (he just started 1 block more forward than me.

    Lots o fun though.

    Btw the waterway is called EATS.

    E= Etho's

    A= Aquatic

    T= Transportation

    S= System
    *This is a system made by EthosLab*
  2. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Boats cheaper than minecarts, and water cheaper than rails :3
  3. JoeyLeary

    JoeyLeary New Member

    Go Etho! ;3
  4. k9katz

    k9katz Member


    does look like fun

    and a good pastime for your minecraft hours constructing something new and cool.
  5. Hizeron

    Hizeron Active Member VIP

    This looks great. I think I will start constructing waterways instead of minecart systems. now to quickly devise a way to have boats in waiting at each stopping point, and keep them from being destroyed when you reach you destination. :)
  6. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    i thought i banned you 8O lol
  7. Cherle

    Cherle New Member VIP

    Hizeron I already have the design that does exactly what you just said =). I might build it, it's a bit complicated redstone wise.
  8. Hizeron

    Hizeron Active Member VIP

    Cool. I guess I could build up a premade design... but I think when I make one it will be something of my own. Creating something with your own ingenuity can be quite enjoyable. :)
  9. Cherle

    Cherle New Member VIP

    My ability with redstone is that of a sack of rocks. I enjoy building actual buildings, not redstone contraptions.
  10. iiDreamzzHD

    iiDreamzzHD Active Member VIP

    And you're crazy awesome at making buildings, stick to that lol.
  11. Hizeron

    Hizeron Active Member VIP

    ^^Do what you do best and don't be afraid to try other things ;D. As for myself, I don't know when to stop learning new things, so I try almost everything till I am somewhat proficient at it lol :p