What is this ? Taxpercent is a basic option of taxing in towny plugin wich can be turned on and off with /t toggle taxpercent. It allows to rather than having XX tax to have % tax, wich is just like tax irl. Rich people pay more than the poor ones. Ofcourse the % is not from income what people get, but from the total amount of money they have (like global tax) Basic facts: -When having % taxation residents of town cant be kicked out of town by tax as 0% of 0 = 0 -Each town has posibility of having XX amount or % amount, so no town will be forced for this. -It is very easy to add taxpercent to plugin, and would take about 1 - 10 seconds of maxs time - % taxing is fair and will increase tradign in towns. I have allredy given warning of us moving to tax percent system and suprise suprise our town market has been busier than ever So well only reason Max has not been acepting this kind of taxing yet is becouse he thinks it will lead to stealing money from rich people and i agree on this some how, but i also belive there are over 10 ways of stealing money from rich people allredy with money plugin ( even i known many ). So well if ur rich try to think about this. This post doesnt mean every town will move to % taxation, but it will give chanse for towns to move it.
are you talking about adding tax % to what towny takes from towns? or just towns from their citizens?
If it is problem dont use taxpercent option. You can toggle it off and on with /town toggle townpercent . I only ask this becouse in our town i think we truly need this option. People who have no chanses of voting at all cant keep their moeny income up during days they cant play and get kicked, when rich people who can vote every day again donate all the time becouse of low taxes. This comand will only to get us to the point when there is no need to donate to town every day or to no get kicked from town everyday. If one single comand can solve this problem i belive it is worth it! And why would it be problem if all were middle class ? If all members in town have around same amoutn of moeny then they pay around same amount of money. No problems and still this is way of taxing wich can be easily turned on and off. To be honest we allredy have this comand on server but tax percent cap is set to 0
Tax percent cap is set to zero so people DONT use this. Its a terrible idea and I for one am against it. The only pro you have shown is that poor people dont get kicked out of town. I dont get why they "cant vote everyday" but there are other very easy ways of making money. If a resident cant bother to vote or go mining for a short time then I dont want them in my town. Also, if you have rich people donating, have them donate to the poor folk. Regardless of these comments though, I am firmly against this option
Some people want to belong to town AND NOT MINE or do anything with money! The problem is not the money the problem is offering people what they want. After taking the creative world down we lost some of only creative builders but we still have such people who like roleplaying etc They dont care money and i have no problem with it, but havign to reinvite them to town every time is pure pain! I agree that one town doesnt have to offer everything, but this taxpercent is a thing wich would help in making Crusaiders be such town as residents want it. Also taxpercent cap can be at even 1% I belive even 0.5% would be fair enough.
There's already a global tax, taking a percent of peoples money, why should towny do it too? 1. People can just vote everyday, getting 200r. And town taxes shouldn't be above 200r per day, unless it's a really expensive town. 2. If people get kicked because they can't pay taxes, it's usually because; they haven't read the guide properly, so they don't know how to make money, they are inactive, or they spent all their money, so it's their fault they got kicked. It's just another plugin that we don't need, and I think towny can tax a percentage of peoples money, although i'm not too sure.
the town taxes are set so to 25r per resident, and its not another plugin, its a configuration in towny i think