If you haven't heard yet, you can end the game by killing an Ender Dragon. But what will it be like for smp? It might say; "JoeyLeary has killed the Ender Dragon, stopping the server";3 I think an Admin will go into the Ender, fly and kill the Dragon before anybody else;D What does everybody else think?
They should just make the world unavailable. All that's there is the unappealing end stone and obsidian. Its just an island anyway. So everything there would probally be gone in a few days then people would sell the stone for really high prices.
I think dyno is going to spawn like 50 of em XD cause he said he cant w8 to i think this update from bukkit is going to take the longest just cause it makes the game end, or disable The End world
Oh okay. Never tried. So its just obsidian and enderpearl galore then. Anyone know what happens when you 'won' minecraft then go back to theend?