i got banned by pyro. i realy like the server and the thing was my freind he sugested that we use x_ray and yes i no that its wrong but i deeply enjoy this server i want to play on it more. u can take my whole inventory away if u want. but i realy want to get back on this server. u can take my whole chest to ill start all over again but i realy do want to get back on. so if u could unban me please i would deeply enjoy playing on this server and nothing like that will ever happen again i cleared my whole minecraft.jar and restarted. once again love the server please alow me to play on it. i am very sorry, it will not happen again. p.s. i would realy like it if mods and admins woult talk first before they ban.
Basically, we never unban people that cheat using x-ray mod. There is no way you will be allowed back in. Sorry.