I could see myself buying a boat for 1000r... and thinking thats what i could sell if for P.S. This has never happened to me (Trying to make money re-selling wood Not a good idea)
I dont see why people are so averted to hired construction, the majority of people cant, or dont want to spend time making detailed builds, why shouldnt it be acceptable for them to hire someone else to do it? whats the point of living in a little dirt house if you have enough money to buy someones services to build a good one for you
this is old, the yellow names back then ment u were in probation (for the first 2 weeks u join'd the server) you'd be watched more then the others. still had the same permissions as everyone else. just watched more.
i miss the yellow names D: P.S. littlehut actually can build nice boats, evidence is his entry to the pirate ship contest, even though it wasn't a pirate ship lol