how long before shadecrest updates?

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by billy987bob, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. billy987bob

    billy987bob Member

    i can't play because it wont let me downgrade and the system need to be updated. this is a big problem for me....
    can anyone help? :-\ :-\
  2. stingerdude

    stingerdude New Member

    If im not mistaken, they are waiting for bukit to update.
  3. iiDreamzzHD

    iiDreamzzHD Active Member VIP

    Yes, they are waiting to update when bukkit has a stable recommended build. Shouldn't take long as they've had time with all the pre releases that have been out to work on in those. Within the week I assume.
  4. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP
    aslo this would be a better topic for "Minecraft Help", and if you check The "General Discussion" board there is a similar topic, i believe with a solution as well, but the link above would probably be more convenient.
  5. billy987bob

    billy987bob Member