The plugin is either the zeplin mod or airship mod.... but i know its neither exactly like them! You make a ship made of 95% wool and you can fly it arround! Great for tranportation and lots of fun! It should only be for peaceful not pvp. The reason for that is because Flex City is a floating city and they can fly right up to it! Also, ppl will tower up to their airships if they fall off... but they might not because it has a speacial part of the plug in that allows you to remote control your ship back down! I think it will be fun in pvp IF we can keep them out of city limits! Like have a airship battle or somthing! tho plugin is ver great and very fun!
I will find more info at Yes... yes.. yes... its another server... :O *GASP* but i dont play on it anymore... They have the plugin and i will gather any more info i can from them, and from the web! If you know more please reply! Thanks!
First of all, instead of posting a new reply, just modify your original post. Second of all, this is cool, but extremely laggy (the airship mod), and imaxorz doesn't like installing mods that our server doesnt really need. Just saying