IMA BACK!!!!! (actually i just arrived :P )

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by killkerxy2, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. killkerxy2

    killkerxy2 New Member

    Herro everybody!!!!!!

    Let me give you a quick tour of myself, so, the first thing you'd want to know about me, is that, I like pie.
    The SECOND, thing you should know about me, is that i play lots of other games on the PC, including: Roblox, Maple Story, KAG, Terraria and heaps more! The THIRD thing you SHOULD know about me (if you were reading this you would now ;)) is that i might have a bit of lag online on Shade Crest because i live in Australia ;D, i hope I meet some of you online!

    That is all,

  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Welcome! and dont worry about the lag, we have players in Australia with no lag at all, however, i'm in NJ, USA and i have lag because my computer is old as poop. So as long as u have a good pc (or mac but they are trash) u should be fine :D
  3. ThisDudeRiteHere

    ThisDudeRiteHere Member VIP

    Welcome! Cya on the server :D
  4. killkerxy2

    killkerxy2 New Member

    Hope to see you guys on as well, also, I have a kinda good PC, and a laptop.
    I use my laptop most of the time... and its not THAT good but it runs minecraft well... :D

    Thanks, your truly (kinda)

