ive played minecraft since the beginning of alpha, i like to build with redstone, i chose this server because it looks good and organized unlike all of the other ones, lately the only other thing ive been doing besides minecraft is hanging out with my gf, i like anything funny and i like all foods , ive built a house that transforms using redstone and pistons, i do not know anyone else on this server yet but i would like to , and i look forward to building something amazing with redstone that attracts alot of attention.
Geez O_O You seem VERY in-tune with redstone, (which I am not ..) and maybe I could have you do some redstone wiring in-game for me Anyways, See you online!
Welcome! our server has the CRRD (center for redstone research and development) which is where you can learn about redstone! (/warp crrd) i'm sure if you good with redstone u can join the scientific community! see you in gae be sure to read the gide and rules thoroughly and get familiar with the forum!!