What is your IGN? Undead_Elmo Coordinates of the location (use /getpos to display the coordinates X Y and Z) -1341.5313, 63.0000, 903.6875 Is this on PvP or Peaceful side of the map? Peaceful What exactly got griefed? Please be specific. 22 pieces of glass, a piece of sandstone and a trap door missing over my ladder About how many blocks were broken/replaced? 24 Who did the griefing? L_Sloan31 and timbanana35 Did you talk to the player who did the griefing? Yes What did they say? Nothing Do you think they should be banned for this? Yes Do you need an admin to come and rollback the damage? Maybe I need glass to fix it i REPLACED ALL THE BLOCKS THAT ARE MISSING WITH TEMPORARY BLOCKS THAT DONT MATCH SO ITS EASIER TO SEE
You gotta include screenshots of the grief with /bb log to prove the person you are accusing actually griefed.
I don't understand how to use it cause when I place blocks it records it, where does it show you the log though?
elmo, you go cut a tree for your log, then type /bb log you then use the log to punch placed block to see the log, or place in open spots to see modifications on the space take a screenie with those up on your screen so we can better see...
Okay i will do that once the sun comes up again on the server but should I remove the blocks I placed or just get rid of them and do the open space log
Okay but when I do this, it shows the log for today only when I need it from yesterday cause it happened yesterday see,
See but i did not grief myself because I didn't get on yesterday at all and the log shows that on the 10th of Aug, I placed the glass then today I placed it again, where is the log from yesterday saying it was broken cause I cant just place another piece of glass there when one is already there.
Okay I have talked to all the griefers, they gave me materials to fix the issue and they apologized so I guess this report is useless now. Thanks anyway guys!