admin (1 ship allowed per player unless you donate)???

Discussion in 'Requests / Reports' started by Biospud, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Biospud

    Biospud Member

    I was looking right at it when it appeared.. scared the hell out of me, truthfully.
  2. BlueRecovery9

    BlueRecovery9 New Member

    Are you saying that you think that it was the guy you kicked out?
  3. Biospud

    Biospud Member

    Nothing I think or say about it can be anything except speculation. I was tied up with another thing, and was not able to think about it beyond logging in and watching Nigel Thornburry's bust blink into existence barely a minute after I hopped on, a massive flurry of defence turrets unleashing enough firepower to stop a small fleet, and the thing accelerate from Zero to WTF in less time that it takes the engine trail to pop into existence, smashing our respectable fleet into scrap in seconds and sending the broken fragments accelerating across space. I'd gotten a small word of warning from another member of the same thing happening at another location before I joined into the server. It all happened fast. I'm not convinced that member of the faction would have pulled that off, though I'm not saying it didn't seem above him either. My reasons for kicking him had nothing to do with suspicion of him pulling this off, though it did create a motive. As far as I know, no other players were affected. So it did seem like a targeted assault/griefing.

    Only those within our faction. I will say I don't recall seeing his name online at the time, nor the other person that he recruited into his newly formed faction.
  4. BlueRecovery9

    BlueRecovery9 New Member

    Ok so I started playing a little and realized that for some reason when welding or grinding its at our feet so it makes it impossible to work on small ships, I am posting this if for if the hot fix doesn't come.
  5. dartravens

    dartravens New Member

    i was that person he kicked, i made a noob mistake and mentioned the cordinates of a asteroid my ship got stuck in ( broke cockpit) 3k from base in public chat by mistake but i understood after he later messaged me about why base must be kept secret. Im used to a private server where we dont back stab but our server admin has left space engineers so i found a home here id love to continue playing with yall and i bear no malice i admit organized war conflicts are fun but not blatant destruction of days of work if i can help in any way let me know
  6. TK-880

    TK-880 New Member

    My guess is we had the highest concentration of ships at the time, which made us the target.

    Vic, appears Keen slipped in a tiny update overnight to 1080012.
  7. CyberVic

    CyberVic Well-Known Member VIP

    Ok I will restore a backup before 7PST Wednesday when I reboot the server today for the hotfix. I have a meeting right now will do it after that meeting.

    Does the community agree for now that I lock it down to the steam community only? How would that have prevented a situation like this one? Can we just handle this kind of thing on a case by case basis unless it becomes a constant issue? We also should ban that guy if you guys have his steam user name, we can look up his ID and then ban him.

    Again, you got about 30 minutes to give feedback before I do maintenance.
  8. BlueRecovery9

    BlueRecovery9 New Member

    I vote that we keep it open for now, we have only had the one case so far so its not that big of a problem, a solution is that maybe you could find more admins or monitors. And thank you for the hard work Vic.
  9. CyberVic

    CyberVic Well-Known Member VIP

    Ok, was able to get it done slightly before that. Restored to 1:00 PM PST on Wednesday the 29th.
    TK-880 likes this.
  10. Biospud

    Biospud Member

    I'm not for the lockdown of Freedom on the server. This couldn't have been stopped if someone who was already on decided to pull this in the first place. There's always risk. That face would not have swatted an asteroid down. It was nice to have a free-spaced station, but it did have that one weakness, despite the arsenal of firepower covering every approach from conventional attack.
  11. TK-880

    TK-880 New Member

    Blue and I dicussed this, and I now agree on keeping it open for now. We can start to build up a steam group of players as they join that we feel are active contributors to the server, and are not hackers so if worst case this happens again once or twice we can then whitelist with that group. I'm willing to actively build this list and i'm sure Bio and Blue and a few others will help.
  12. CyberVic

    CyberVic Well-Known Member VIP

    well we already have a ShadeCrest steam group. I assume we'd just add to that.
    TK-880 likes this.
  13. Almazbug

    Almazbug New Member

    Можно сколько угодно рассуждать о том, что смузи – это всего лишь модный тренд. Но кроме того это еще и очень удобный и полезный перекус на скорую руку. И лично я уже не готова от них отказаться. Делюсь любимым рецептом тыквенного смузи
