If you play on our ARK servers, it is CRUCIAL that you read this. Unfortunately as it turns out, I have learned today that our current stacking mod is now abandonware from the developer of that mod. This is of serious concern because it means as new resources are released and many resources that even exist today, they won't get their stacks modified because of course no mod changes. So, what do we do about it? Simple and not so simple. The simple part is shopping for a new stacking mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=630601751 The not so simple part is that when I swap one mod for the other, any resources of these types: Crafted stuff like metal ingots, polymer, electronics, narcotic, sparkpowder, etc. Gathered Resources like wood, thatch, fiber, crystal, obsidian, metal, etc Berries (all 6 types) Raw Meat, Raw Prime, Cooked Meat, Cooked Prime, Spoiled Meat Well, all those items will go bye bye. Another reason why I don't run mods which modify dino spawns with the exception of boas (to make them tamable) and dodos (for the cute / useful saddlebags). So what that means is that I will be refunding established individuals / tribes a lot of items. I would recommend you take inventory of your current items very soon and spread the word to others on the server. I'd prefer to have to make this change soon to mitigate the damage on the number of people affected (so new players joining the server won't have to go through this). So please take inventory of your key resources (approximates please and be honest, I trust you guys and know how much of each resource people should have at their progression). SPECIAL NOTE: Resources crafted at ARK Advanced machines such as organic narcotic, organic sparkpowder, organic cement paste made at the impact crusher all should be fine. Cooked meat made from the ARK Advanced electric stove will not need to be replaced. The other option is to simply wait till sometime in the remote future when maybe players are interested in a world reset. We do risk the mod developer removing the mod from steam and completely screwing us through.
I have added these two mods because the game is glitchy and dinos sometimes randomly go AWOL or corpses get stuck in the ground. Both of these mods will help to that effect. Unfortunately it removes the need to ever use transponder nodes, but frankly that's an annoying / buggy part of the game anyhow. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=566885854 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=566887000 Also added this to make taming your first herbivores about as easy to tame as carnivors on prime. Kibble is still the #1 way to tame, but this makes getting your first trike, steggo, anky, doed, etc a lot easier. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=760199681
I added a confirmed list of items which everyone will have to take inventory on if you want items refunded: K9 Mortar and Pestle (recommended to use the S+ version) K9 Chem Bench(recommended to use the S+ version) K9 Smithy (recommended to use the S+ version) K9 Fabricator (recommended to use the ARK Advanced or S+ version) BerriesAmarberry BerriesAzulberry BerriesMejoberry BerriesNarcoberry BerriesStimberry BerriesTintoberry CraftedNarcotic CraftedCharcoal CraftedCementPaste CraftedElectronics CraftedGasoline CraftedGunpowder CraftedPolymer CraftedSparkpowder HarvestAnglerGel HarvestChitin HarvestCrystal HarvestFiber HarvestFlint HarvestHide HarvestKeratin HarvestMetal HarvestMetal Ingots HarvestObsidian HarvestOil HarvestPelt HarvestPolymer HarvestRareFlower HarvestRareMushroom HarvestSilicaPearls HarvestStone HarvestThatch HarvestWood MeatRawMeat MeatRawFishMeat MeatRawPrimeMeat MeatRawPrimeFish MeatCookedMeat MeatCookedMeatFish MeatCookedPrimeMeat MeatCookedPrimeFish MeatSpoiledMeat MeatMeatJerky MeatPrimeMeatJerky
One last bit of good news is that I can roll out this change on server to server within the cluster individually without it impacting the other servers. So for example I can roll it out to Procedural first (since I'm the only one who seems to be living in procedural), let you know know how it goes, then roll it out to TheIsland and TheCenter when ya'll are ready. EDIT: I have successfully applied the above update to Procedural. Waiting on inventory to be done by others on TheIsland and TheCenter before I roll it out there.
This change has now been applied to TheIsland and TheCenter. You will notice that you will need to relearn any engrams related to the smithy, mortar and pestle, and the fabricator.
Don't worry about my items. I have been very busy with school recently. Item count: 100-150 Narcotics 200ish Chitin 500ish wood 400ish stone 150 flint 200 thatch 40-60 metal in smithy Meat(spoiled) Berries(trikes can retrieve them) I didn't have much. That's about what I can remember.