A bit of an update for you folks. Erik and I have been busy with the rollout of Vanilla. Now that's up and running and we've had some initial fun staking our claim there, now we should wrap up some of the stuff we started with Survival Marketplace. Soon you should be able to walk up to the chests / plot you want to rent and then purchase the rental. So these requests people are making in this thread, we aren't ignoring your requests, hopefully soon you should be able to begin the rental yourself. There are only a couple of people who we manually setup, we'd prefer going forward all rentals get setup using this new plugin we're writing for managing it so it's sustainable and not a maintenance nightmare.
Rentals are working in terms of payments. Getting your rental setup for the first time is still a manual process and being kicked for lack of payment has not be implemented yet.
Is this still going? if so, i would be interested in buying either platinum plot 2 or 5, with the preference for 5 What is your IGN? VeggetoSSJ Which deal/s are you interested in? Platinum 5 or 2 (5 is prefered)
Added to plot 5 Eventually there will be a rent system, but just about everything has priority over it at this point
If platinum plot 2 is still open, I'd be down to take it. What is your IGN? King_Videot Which deal/s are you interested in? Platinum 2
If Platinum 1 is still open, I'd be down to take it. Thinking about opening a rainbow shop full of dyes, wool, clay, and glass. What is your IGN? Legogood Which deal/s are you interested in? Platinum Plot 1