Legend9468 (didn't want to clump this with my other post) Definitely a better start with your story. Still a bit rough around the edges, but no glaring plot holes. Past 1am for me now, I'll read it over again tomorrow.
Sorry ez I'm just very annoyed today I had stuff planned as I wanted to build as that usually helps me write a bit more but then I wrote some crap stuff and then I just got so annoyed that i am stuck And all I want is for this thing to go ahead. I want to help the server. But I do need the support behind my back or it will never work. But ez Tomorrow when I see you on may I do a server trailer so I can get some practice at filming it? And that fills in some responses I have gotten. from the nerd
No need for that sort of compensation, I'm on break, so something to do is nice. As for the writing, it's also just you're doing too much too quickly. Good stories need filler details, and yours had very little detail, and no subtly ("Hey! Did we mention that we're the lead scientists here?"), not to mention there was very little to give the reader an impression about what things looked like, such as the term "city" it was very broad and could be anything. Again, as I said, not exactly poor, just too much too quickly; you wanted to get to the exciting parts with no buildup. And yeah, that's fine Ez, it's something I pumped out this afternoon in my spare time. I'll probs spend this week polishing and making the backstory, etc.
i think the best way forward with this is to get a half finished FULL script with notes on the ending then present it as an idea to eze and go from there. instead of small semi written attempts why not convince him with a selection of the real, finished script when we get that far ahead? cause if i'm honest i see no reasoning for a time frame to be set on this project.. logically, write 50% of the script present said script get permissions, world etc from eze coordinate people around jobs, building, helping with the scripting etc. as the work starts taking place, complete the script organize fliming times and schedules, begin filming edit post DONE.. am i wrong? ideally a completed script first wouldnt go amiss but there would be edits and things along the way etc anyway as more people review it i agree with eze that there needs to be a firm foundation for us all to stand on (i.e the script) BEFORE any actual work gets done
I am not a fiction writer, I write technical stuff, but I follow and read a lot about the writing process. Even a short 15-20 minute movie script takes time to develop. A few days is not enough. I'd suggest that those interested in the project work on it together and give yourself a real time line - lie say a couple of months? That seems reasonable. Polish it and then present it. Use Beta Readers and work on it hard.
Oh yeah, I was under no impression that this was a few days work. I was hoping to maybe have the first ep done by the end of the week, and I would prefer to have a least 2/3rds of a season done before filming starts. I also realise what you said about the time to develop, and my time estimate was based off of the fact that I'm on break at the moment, so I have a lot of free time in the coming months.