Come one, come all to the weekly treasure hunt! Hidden somewhere withen a 200 block radius will be a valuable chest full of goodies! There may be false chests, there may be other prizes, but there is one thing that you can know for certain, it will be worth your while!
We aren't allowed to know where the 200 bloc radius is? That is like saying: "I will give you a cookie on the counter but I wont tell you which kitchen". At least say the world!
When the treasure hunt starts, on that random day, I will tell you where to look for the chest. Untill that time I won't tell you where too look.
I took part and have good feedback, it was fun and gave a challenge, perhaps one too many chests for constructive criticism I can see this being a weekly thing I would attend Thanks!
Is this still going? It might be a reason for me to get back onto survival, I have gotten a little bored of it lately. :/
Still going!? It has been going every week! In fact, one was just done today. On a different note, would anyone like me to post pictures of the chests? The way that it is done at the auctions.
Today is going to be a little different everyone. A chest has been hidden in spawn somewhere, find it and you will be up 17k. I wish good luck to everyone!
Bump - The latest chest still hasn't been found! For the lucky person who does, he/she will be 17k up in the market!
The price has now been increased! This chest is worth 19.5k in gold, iron and diamonds, but the rest is worth 2-15k. You might even get more! So look all the harder!