I used to be a server owner about 2 months ago. During my time I built the Lucky 38 from Fallout New Vegas and installed this plugin: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fun-casino-v2-1-a-casino-games-suite-for-minecraft-supports-iconomy-1060.23011/ With it you can make slot machines and blackjack tables. An admin can change the config to edit the probability of winning to make it less powerful but still fun to play. Let me know what you think! Also if an admin is viewing this please look at my application.
Hello! Please build a casino we were going to get the plugin but have no casino to use it in also i added you!
I think this could be pretty neat if the right numbers were found. I feel like ShadeCrestBank could be the casino owner in a sense so that money is still in a closed circuit.
Yeah, I would love to have a casino on the server. If someone makes a good casino and max agrees, I'm sure we can get this
If you need anyone to run it, I can help. I don't know how this works, but yeah, I'm available. This is a great idea! We were talking about this (me, wkdclwncar, and some others) when were talking about fixing the economy.
I feel like we're just adding more and more real-life problems on MineCraft... First wars, then economy problems... Now gambling addictions! Soon we'll be getting drunk off of some wheat and milk concoction! xD I'm all for it.
wheat and water concotion.... jeeze.... wheat, water, sugar, a little "glowdust" (yeast) and some gunpowder for kick would make a decent brew... Wheat and milk would just go bad...
I'm sorry I don't know the correct way to make beer, pyro... I just knew wheat, and I threw in something liquidy. Lol
On my old server people could donate to get money and they would just get addicted...win then lose it all instantly. If you find the right numbers its a very good solution to the current economy issue. Here are some pics from the casino I built on my server- http://imageshack.us/g/62/picture2jmd.png/
Ya!!! While the server was down, I went to a new one to play for like 3 hours lol and they had that plugin. It was really fun, aside from the fact I used all my money in 3 minutes, but it was actually cool! This would also be a great way to put money in the Shade Crest bank account if we decide to reset the economy. Before you spam the replies with "ECONOMY RESET!!!! ***** WHAT THE ** T 8* DFJSHGKSDJH" Read this: http://www.shadecrest.com/forum/index.php?topic=1638.0