I will state what happened. I was about 100 blocks outside of Dragon Forge, not in combat but with Nightlyreminders on my tail about 40 blocks away. We recently installed the combat plugin when if you are in combat you cannot warp for some amount of time. If i was in fact in combat then i wouldn't be able to warp. Also i don't wish to point fingers but, I had already killed NightlyReminders and joeysmother who was a witness to this. I only hope that this is reviewed and my side is taken into account. -GhostFig
Just for your information, combat tag is 15 seconds long. Obviously, a chase can last longer than that. The rules didn't change, even though we got a new plugin with a different setting. The rules say "you cannot warp while in combat, combat doesn't just include the actual moment he's hitting you." You warped away while nightly was following you closely, therefore it's a combat port.
i was being chased but believed to be far enough away to warp, also i do not understand why it was a 3-day ban for a couple blocks difference.
If you are being chased, you are in combat. If you are in combat, you cannot warp. there's nothing to dispute. Even if you were 20000 blocks from a town, if you are being chased, you can't warp.